Friday, 23 September 2011

Actually done some welding

So, its becoming a theme that I do not update this for ages, oh well really busy at the moment. So i'll start from where I last wrote, basically I have competely stripped the car including removing the rear axle. I have bought a welder to do the welding, however the gas regulator which was supplied with the welder was rubbish so ran out of the 3 bottles of gas which I had, so had to buy some more, also I have been given a large cylinder of CO2 gas but need to get regulator to work with this. One problem I have with the welder is that it is quite powerful and keeps on welding through tips, which is really annoying. I have found it quite difficult to weld, but I think I am getting the hang of it. I have removed both spring hangers and welded in the driver's side one, also removed the remainder of the boot floor. When I was cutting out the driver's spring hanger I found a load of rust on the underside and had to cut out the bottom of the spring hanger and weld in a new plate, which was really difficult because it's upside down. New panels I have are the boot floor, the rear valance, the passenger's side spring hanger is welded up, painted red oxide and ready to be put in, also have the driver's heelboard extension.

     Dad removed most of the heelboard extension on the driver's side, but nect to tackle is the passenger's spring hanger, then the boot floor, then the rear valance, then the heelboards. Then the rear wings need to be welded to the arches and the sills. But because I have bought all these new panels from Dave, I owe him about £200. The final phot is of all the panels I have recently sold, bonner, 2 doors, 2 tail gates and a wing for £6.

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